August 14: Day of Remembrance of the Horror of Separation
India celebrated the "Day of Remembrance of the Terrible Division" on August 14. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has announced that he will observe this day in 2021. August 14 also marks Independence Day in India. Pakistan. India was divided into India and Pakistan on August 14, 1947. This event led to violence, community riots and loss of property. It is considered the most violent and sudden displacement in world history because; Britain wanted to leave India as soon as possible after World War II because the condition of the country itself was deteriorating. Previously, Governor-General Lord Mountbatten was supposed to make India independent in June 1948. But he decided to move this date forward. Cyril Radcliffe was assigned to redraw the border of India and Pakistan. He has never been to India before. As a result, the borders of new countries were created hastily without planning. This eventually led to "the horror of division" due to administrative fluxes and m...