
Showing posts from October, 2020

The Story of Bethany Hamilton

 Bethany Hamilton is a professional surfer known for her incredible determination and resilience. Born in 1990 in Hawaii, she started surfing at a young age and quickly showed immense talent. However, her life took a dramatic turn in 2003 when she was just 13 years old. One morning, while surfing off the coast of Kauai, Bethany was attacked by a 14-foot tiger shark. The shark bit off her left arm, and she lost 60% of her blood before being rushed to the hospital. The injury was severe, and many thought her surfing career was over. Despite the life-changing injury, Bethany's spirit remained unbroken. Just one month after the attack, she returned to the water and began learning how to surf with one arm. It was a challenging and painful process, but Bethany's determination was unwavering. She adapted her technique and worked tirelessly to regain her strength and skill. In 2004, less than a year after the shark attack, Bethany won her first national title. She continued to compete

Qualities of a Good Man

To define a good human being, one has to consider Psychologist, Sigmund Freud's explanation about man's character being formed during infancy. A good Human Being is honest to himself and sympathetic to the needs of others. His self-worth may be affected if he has felt rejection in infancy. The insecurity born out of this, may lead him to control those weaker than him under the guise of love and goodness through social relationships.

Graceful Behaviour

A person's character is known through his action. One of the surest tests of character is the manner in which one conducts oneself towards others. A Graceful Behaviour please one's own self as well as others. Man may be a self-educator in forbearance. Because, gentleness in society is like the siltent ray of light which colours the whole creation.